Tuesday, July 7, 2020

10 IT Help Desk Statistics You Need To Track And Monitor

Experience and customer satisfaction are key to the growth of any business.

But how do you guarantee a good experience for your clients?

If you are in the tech space, the help desk service is the key to finding answers.

But how do you know that the IT help desk is driving your business? Below are two ways to measure help desk performance. This article covers the following topics:

Customer satisfaction formula

  • Help Desk KPI Settings
  • Trade indicator category
  • Help desk metrics overview
  • IT Help Desk Statistics Benchmark

Serving Satisfied Customers: A Simple Formula

Today's customers are more demanding than ever. So customer satisfaction is everything. But satisfying customers is easier than it sounds. It is one of the main influencers of marketing on the web and offers a simple formula to provide satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction = Customer retention rate = Reduced customer base = Bad word-of-mouth advertising = Falling profits

In other words, you can get great products and services. And you can have very competitive prices. But it doesn't make much sense unless you provide a great customer experience.

If you don't, your customers will leave without satisfaction. You can spend a lot of time in your business.

 For example, we anticipate that customer experience will be a key differentiator between companies by 2020. Also, 67% of customers pay more for a great experience, Salesforce said.

Help Desk KPI Settings

The first step in measuring help desk performance is to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for the customer experience. It shows how effectively a department or company achieves its key business goals or objectives. These can be anything that affects the customer, from speed and service to time in the support queue. So if you don't have a help desk KPI you will need to set one here.
Here are seven steps to help you set up your KPIs from the help desk.

  • What about the results of the help desk?
  • Why are these results important to the company?
  • What metric measures progress?
  • How can I influence the results of this metric?
  • Who are the employees responsible for this business result?
  • How do you know that you have achieved the KPI?
  • How often do you check your progress towards results?

KPIs are useful only when they require action. Providing concise, clear, and relevant information will help workers behave. Also, KPIs are a form of communication with employees and follow the same rules. Treat them accordingly.

Business metric category

The next step in evaluating your help desk is to select metrics that measure performance.
A metric measures the result of something.

Managers use them to make decisions, solve problems, and optimize processes. However, not all metrics are created equal. It depends on what you are measuring. The following are the main categories of trade indicators.

  • Staffing and salary
  • Employee retention
  • Formation and development
  • Business operation
  • Technical indicators
  • Service desk metrics
  • Customer satisfaction

The last two categories are important. Helps you get a complete picture of help desk performance.

Service desk metrics include average response speed, number of incidents logged, and average call abandonment rate. These are operational indicators. Customer satisfaction indicators include:

  1. Customer satisfaction
  2. Quality of the service provided by the team.
  3. Results of the customer survey.
  4. These are more statistics related to marketing.

Help Desk Performance Evaluation: Two Approaches

There are two ways to measure the performance of the IT help desk. First, it uses business metrics to track team performance and customer experience. This approach captures the team's progress toward achieving the customer-related KPIs it has established.

But each company is different. Therefore, you must select the metrics that are relevant to your customers.

for example, focuses on several areas to assess the impact on the customer. An important customer-related area for them is response time. No one likes to wait for an answer.

Generally speaking, the faster the response time, the more satisfied the customer will be. Let's be honest. No one likes the slow response to problems. Below are three ways Zapier can track response times.
Average Response Time: This metric shows how quickly the team responds to customer requests. Speed ​​is great and so is precision. The wrong quick answer does not help anyone.
Time to First Response: This statistic measures the time a customer has to wait for an agent's first repeat. As with the average response time, the shorter the response time, the better the response.

Response Hours: This metric measures the number of answered tickets within a defined time frame. Helps analyze response time in more detail. The number of tickets analyzed by the team can be found in 10, 30 and 5 hours.

Each metric has its pros and cons. For example, the time for the first response may lead the team to respond quickly, but it may not resolve the problem. Below are additional metrics we'd like to track to measure helpdesk performance.

Resolution Time: The metrics in this category help customers determine the wait time for an agent to resolve a problem. Long resolution times may require additional training for staff.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT): This metric represents customer satisfaction with a product, service, or brand. CSAT also indicates customer satisfaction with individual actions or product aspects.

Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS indicates the probability that a customer will recommend your company to other buyers. NPS helps predict turnover, measure loyalty, and measure satisfaction at key points

Customer Expert Score (CES): This metric reflects the effort that our clients have dedicated to interacting with the brand. The great effort suggests less satisfaction due to less than epic customer service.

Dropout Rate - This metric displays the number of customers you lose over time. If your customer experience is high, you may need to lower your churn rate. If so, consider making a change.

Support Queue Backlog - This metric shows how well your team handles its workloads. Building a rich knowledge base and / or automating tickets using business rules are two proven ways to reduce backlog.

Other metrics related to customer experience include:
  • Net ticket
  • Ticket volume per support channel
  • Support ticket resolved
  • Wait time
  • Ticket distribution
  • Individual agent performance

These are sample metrics that will help you get a clear picture of help desk performance.

IT Help Desk Statistics
The second way to measure help desk performance is benchmarking. This effort compares your information with the metrics of others in your industry or your competitors. It will also inform you about the situation within the industry and whether the KPI is achievable or not.

We help you gain an independent view of team performance, identify areas for improvement, and drive continuous improvement.

Below are 10 key operational help desk metrics you can use to benchmark your team. Recommended by MetricNet, they help managers operate their organizations more efficiently and effectively.

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