Thursday, July 9, 2020

Business Value Creation with Help Desk Service Level Agreement

Technical support software and service level agreement (sla).

The concept of service level agreements (SLAs) has received a lot of attention in the last decade. This was in part driven by the need to monitor the performance of IT service providers in outsourcing transactions. If you spend thousands, millions, or billions of dollars on someone else to manage your IT, you need to measure performance. The metrics used to develop SLAs can range from individual problem resolution time details to overall performance and availability of specific IT functions such as email. The help desk service are important to SLAs in two ways.

a) As a source of information on IT performance and problem solving

b) A means to manage the problem or problem in the most effective way possible to minimize the impact on the service and the monitored service parameters.

With a clear understanding of value that can help monitor the value of outsourced service providers, SLAs are increasingly being adopted to help direct and monitor the performance of internal IT. SLA was developed to monitor the provisioning of core functions (as mentioned in the email above), but to measure the success of one of the most visible elements of IT, the user help desk. 

IT Help Desk Client And Problem Segmentation

SLAs can be deepened to any level of granularity, and a well thought-out SLA scheme must take into account the business impact of the activity being monitored. Not all IT features are of equal importance, and the importance of any feature may vary by month or quarter. Access to the CRM system is always very important, but billing for the second week of the month may be less susceptible to a few hours of interruption than 30 days. Similarly, the potential business impact of downtime is greater for some users than others. The loss of VP Sales VoIP connectivity during the main negotiations may require commercial prioritization over the buyer looking for the cheapest clip.

A good SLA architecture allows an organization to create an array of problem categories and user categories and assign SLA levels to all cells within that matrix. Gold, silver and bronze are commonly cited examples, but they can also be nickel, tin or lead if there is no adequate architecture to classify the event.

IT Help Desk Issue SLA Controlled Scaling

Most IT helpdesks have a scale mechanism based on a combination of events and time triggers. The parameters used to control this process must be linked to the service level where the problem is handled. This will ensure that the correct resources work. If a VP Sales VoIP connection is lost (above), it should be diagnosed within seconds or minutes. This may involve routing the problem to a technical specialist, and you may encounter an active problem until the VP's VoIP session is restored, or at least until diagnostics show you how to fix the problem.The problem is that escalations and SLA levels must be associated with each problem handled.

IT HelpDesk SLA & Troubleshooting Report

All of the help desk solutions today provide some SLA reports. It generally contains the percentage of problems set within the parameters for each level of gold, silver and bronze. When defining an SLA for a complete feature, such as email, the task of keeping the SLA up and running does not generally involve the help desk directly. The helpdesk may receive a phone call indicating that a problem has occurred, but resolution of the problem will be delegated to a group of experts who will be responsible for measuring and reporting performance based on the email SLA.

If the problem is handled solely by the help desk, performance against the SLA is the responsibility of the help desk. Having a clear record of how a problem has been handled is very helpful to all parties. This is where Vector HelpDesk works particularly well, combining actions, call logs, and email threads in chronological order into a single issue audit trail.

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