Tuesday, June 2, 2020

What Is MSP Ticketing System & Factors to Consider When Choosing a Ticketing System for MSP?

Help desk ticket solutions may behave differently, but one remains constant. All of these are designed to help our support team efficiently serve our customers.

"Efficiently" means streamlining support systems across multiple channels, automating repetitive tasks, assigning customer tickets to relevant experts, facilitating broad collaboration between support agents, tracking conversations, and most importantly, streamlining your request.

In short, the MSP help desk service software must provide the correct set of tools necessary to optimize the overall customer service experience.

But the only problem is that finding the perfect one is not as easy as it sounds. There is an overwhelming number of possible solutions on the web, offering different features at different prices.
So, to help you organize your options, here is a detailed guide to the basics you should consider when choosing the best ticketing system for your IT team.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Ticketing System for MSP

Helpdesks generally support a variety of contact channels including social media, web forms, community forums, live chat, SMS, phone, and email. These integrate multiple contact channels into a centralized platform.

Unfortunately, introducing additional channels tends to increase software costs here. Therefore, you can focus only on the most important contact methods for your clients, while leaving the possibility of updating your channel in the near future.

Furthermore, the chosen ticketing system should provide a fully interconnected omnichannel framework for a consistent customer experience across different channels.


In general, there is no standard price or quote for an automated ticket system. Rather, the size of your budget should be based on your IT support needs, the number of agents you plan to host in your system, the size of your customer, and the projected growth of your business in the near future.

Most of the solutions we've tested to date offer multiple packages at different speeds. Also, while the price of each package is largely determined by the size of the features it supports, software solutions tend to consider the number of users allowed in each package.

Therefore, the larger your IT support team, the more money you will pay in the long run.

However, be aware that not all ticketing systems charge for the service. There are some great open source solutions that you can take advantage of for free.

Number Of Agents

As already established, help desk ticket solutions allow support agents to work extensively to quickly resolve customer tickets. Therefore, you can compare software options based on collaboration capabilities.

For example, one of the most important factors is the number of auxiliary agent accounts allowed in each administrator account.


The managed services ecosystem is not static at all. It will continue to dynamically change as companies adjust their resources and packages to keep up with changing customer needs, IT trends, and other market factors.

Therefore, the help desk ticket system must be scalable enough to accommodate the corresponding adjustments made within the customer service framework.

For example, you might consider adding users to expand your support team. Or, on the other hand, you can significantly reconfigure your system by customizing the underlying source code.

Language Support

As MSP companies grow internationally, they can gradually attract multilingual customer bases. As a result, you may need a ticketing system that supports multiple languages.However, the best approach here is to first assess the company's past and present growth paths, and overall goals and objectives. Then, of course, consider all the potential areas that can grow over time.

Support Availability

The availability of our ticket system must coincide with the availability of your customer service. Very easy.

For example, if you plan to provide 24x7 customer support, your only option is to provide 24x7 access to all of your contact channels.

Active Community

MSPs typically support help desk ticket software solutions backed by a responsive team of in-house technical support experts and a resource-rich knowledge base. All of this can come in handy when learning strings and finding ways to solve technical problems.

However, when you think about it, you need at least internal support and a knowledge base. Another important resource I'd like to add here is the active community, especially when it comes to open source ticketing systems.

Often overlooked, such an active community provides the best forum to share ideas and advice with other MSPs and industry experts. You can think of them as a type of crowdsourcing support that can tell you something more interesting about the help desk ticket system.

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