Friday, June 26, 2020

Help Desk Ticket Categories: Creating Help Desk Ticket Categories

Businesses use proven help desk ticket categorization methodologies, such as CREATE, to increase efficiency in reporting on ticket trends, improve ticket escalation processes, improve reporting, and reduce overall costs of support. You can build a categorization scheme. All help desk ticket categories. Customer service requires the ITIL ticket classification scheme to handle ITIL ticket type problems when customers request help from the help desk service. Proper classification of the ITIL ticket in question when creating a help desk ticket allows the help desk agent to classify the problem in a support depot. These help desk ticket category groups can present insights to help desk agents when they provide the proper support, enable proper routing of escalated entries, and generate trend reports for entry types.

Help Desk enables companies to streamline the help desk ticket classification process, quickly identify support trends, and use help desk categories to focus valuable information technology resources on improving specific business processes. You can reduce your organization's support costs.

Create Taxonomy Of Help Desk Tickets

1.       Collect and export a 6-month sample of help desk ticket data.
2.       Review the exported ticket data and create a future status ticket classification scheme.
3.       Evaluate the proposed ticket classification scheme against production data by applying the proposed classification scheme to the exported ticket data.
4.       Adjust ticket classification schemes to balance ticket classification categories.
5.       Train stakeholders and staff on how to use the new ticket classification scheme.
6.       Implement the new implementation of the production help desk ticket classification scheme.

1.Collect and export a 6-month sample of help desk ticket data.

The help desk support services industry standard requires tickets to be created for all customer contacts for which the help desk is responsible. Although the help desk ticket classification scheme may not be organized at this point, the ticket data contains a large amount of useful data. During the collection phase, the ticket request must be consulted for the 6-month-old ticket data.

2. Review the exported ticket data and create a future status ticket classification scheme.

Check the exported ticket details to find out what's working and where you need to improve. This includes checking the most used help desk ticket categories and the least used help desk ticket categories. Verification of ticket data also includes removing ambiguous categories and improving ticket quality.

To create a future state ticket classification scheme, it is important to understand how help desk ticket categories can help you meet your business needs. The most common ticket category schemes are by type, service, and department.

3. Evaluate the proposed ticket classification scheme against production data by applying the proposed classification scheme to the exported ticket data.

It is time to test the proposed classification scheme. This step is a slow process, but it is very important. Reclassification of exported legacy ticket data with future state classification schemes reveals where the gaps lie.

4. Adjust ticket classification schemes to balance ticket classification categories.

The reconciliation step is a very important final review process to ensure that future state classification schemes are balanced. In this step, you need to run some dynamic reports looking for:

Overpopulation Classification - This is a good time to divide some of the overpopulation `` cubes '' into smaller, more specific terms.

Under classing - If you select too many classification terms, your tickets will take too long to qualify.

Reports: Set up and run some of the daily, weekly, and monthly reports used by the reporting team.

5.Train stakeholders and staff on how to use the new ticket classification scheme.

Implementing a new help desk ticket classification scheme without adequate training of information technology support personnel can lead to confusion, inefficiencies, and implementation issues. Help Desk Building recommends that help desk agents have access to a test environment for help desk applications that implement the new taxonomy. This allows staff to understand the new structure.

6. Implement the new implementation of the production help desk ticket classification scheme.

Migrating your ticket classification scheme to production may reveal issues that need to be addressed. Feedback is important for continuous improvement during the execution steps. There must be a process to allow users to provide comments.

Missing terms: If the user identifies a lost term, a formal request is required for the review process to propose a new term.

Classification time: help desk agents must have a fast and efficient ticket classification scheme.

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